New member ID cards & the No Surprises Act

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Example plastic health insurance card.

Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act (NSA) goes into effect for health insurers and health funds like TeamCare. The NSA was designed to protect members from surprise balance billing by out-of-network providers for certain emergency and non-emergency services, as well as air ambulance services. Please click here for more information about the No Surprises Act.  

TeamCare is also required to meet ID card requirements under the NSA by including the following information on the card:

  • Annual member and family plan deductibles
  • Annual member and family out-of-pocket maximum limits
  • Contact information for members to seek consumer assistance

These new features will appear on the back of the BCBS Medical ID card. In addition, the Fund is adding the office visit and ER copays (to applicable plans) to the front of the ID cards.


Blue Cross Blue Shield front side of the medical ID card.       Blue Cross Blue Shield back-end side of the medical ID card.

The ancillary Benefits ID card will be updated with the applicable prescription copay/coinsurance information, as well as member out-of-pocket cost share for the other ancillary medical benefit networks. Dental and vision are not included under the NSA requirements. Note that the Quest LabCard network has rebranded to QuestSelect which is reflected on the new ID card.


The ancillary Benefits ID card with the updated with the applicable prescription copay/coinsurance information.       The back-end view of the ancillary Benefits ID card with the updated with the applicable prescription copay/coinsurance information.

To meet the requirements of the NSA, the Fund will issue new Medical and Benefits identification cards to all PPO members in December. The ID card changes will also be reflected on the virtual ID cards.

If you find yourself at a provider without your ID card, remember you can always view and download a temporary ID by logging in and selecting the My Profile section of your dashboard.