Contact Us
TeamCare Members
Have questions about your benefits? We’ve got answers. The Message Center is the fastest and easiest way to connect with a TeamCare Benefits Specialist. Simply log in below to send and receive messages.
Speak with a Benefits Specialist
Local Union
General Mailing Address
A Central States Health Plan
Please note: for Health Claims, Claims Appeals, Short Term Disability Claims, Life Insurance, or to update your Personal Information, please choose the appropriate mailing address from the Mailing Addresses for Specific Needs section below.
For Our Providers
We know your time is precious — and limited. Make the most of your staff’s time with’s online portal. Please log in to view patient eligibility, plan benefit information, and claim status.
Automated Benefit Eligibility
Speak with a Benefits Specialist
Network Contact Information
Contact Our Partners
We’re proud to serve TeamCare members through our extensive network of partners. If you have a partner-specific question, contact them directly by referring to the list below.
TeamCare Prescription Drug Benefit: CVS Caremark
Available 24/7 -
TeamCare Dental: Humana Dental
TeamCare Lab Benefit: QuestSelect
TeamCare Vision: EyeMed
TeamCare Imaging Benefit: USIN
TeamCare Telehealth: Teladoc Health
Mailing Addresses for Specific Needs
We encourage submitting your documents and correspondence through the Message Center. However, in certain cases documents may need to be sent using the mailing addresses below instead of the general TeamCare address.
Health Claims and Supporting Documentation
Please refer to your TeamCare Medical ID card for correct filing information for claims processing. It should not be necessary for you to file a claim since most health care providers file the claims for you.
Health Claims and Supporting DocumentationPO Box 5116Des Plaines, IL 60017-5116 -
Claims Appeals
You can file an appeal when you disagree with a decision concerning your benefits. Appeals must be filed within 180 days from the date a healthcare benefit was denied, reduced, or terminated.Claims AppealsPO Box 5126Des Plaines, IL 60017-5126 -
Short-Term Disability Claims
You may submit a Short-Term Disability Claim Form if you are disabled as a result of non-work related injury or illness, or unable to work due to pregnancy.Short-Term Disability ClaimsPO Box 5107Des Plaines, IL 60017-5107 -
Life Insurance Correspondence
Life insurance claims must be filed within three years of the date of loss.Life Insurance CorrespondencePO Box 5116Des Plaines, IL 60017-5116 -
Personal Information Updates
Be sure to notify TeamCare whenever your personal information changes. You must notify us within 60 days of a life event, such as getting married or having a baby if you want to enroll a new dependent.Personal Information UpdatesPO Box 5112Des Plaines, IL 60017-5112

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