TeamCare provides support to members affected by UAW strike
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

As a result of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) recent announcement that their members will honor the UAW labor action and not cross the picket lines; the Board of Trustees are pleased to announce continued healthcare benefits for affected TeamCare members.
TeamCare will provide continued healthcare strike coverage for affected members who meet the following conditions:
- the strike action with their employer is sanctioned by the IBT;
- the affected TeamCare member is receiving weekly strike benefits from the IBT;
- the Fund receives the signed “out-of-work” weekly strike roster of the affected members from the IBT or Local Union;
- the member had active TeamCare coverage immediately prior to the week that the member would have lost coverage due to the UAW labor action and otherwise would have worked if not for the strike.
NOTE: Continued strike coverage is subject to ongoing review and at the discretion of the Trustees. In the event it is determined that it is necessary to alter strike coverage, members will be notified.
Local Unions can email the signed “out-of-work” strike roster to the Accounts Receivable Dept. at or fax it to (847) 518-9768. If you have any questions, Local Union staff can contact their Field Service Representative or Michael Mullane at (847) 939-2297 for more information.
Click below to download a PDF version of this special bulletin.