Why you need a primary care provider

Thursday, January 17, 2019

A national survey in 2017 found that 28% of men and 17% of women do not have a primary care provider (PCP). "Going to the doctor" is disappearing as many people seek convenient treatment at more costly emergency room or urgent care settings. Your primary care physician is less expensive and provides many important long-term benefits to better your health and well-being.

Reasons to have a primary care provider: Continuity: Your PCP will monitor your overall health and wellbeing during your entire life, History: Your PCP is familiar with your medical history which helps with treatments and management of chronic conditions, Cost: Your PCP is much less expensive than receiving non-emergency care in an Emergency Room or Urgent Care setting, Referrals: Your PCP can recommend other medical specialists if necessary, Prevention: Your PCP can perform annual routine screenings and assess any changes that need to be addressed.