Coronavirus: Short-Term Disability FAQs
Friday, April 3, 2020
Updated June 5, 2023
In light of the ongoing COVID-19, or coronavirus, pandemic, we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions related to Short-Term Disability, and how it applies during this crisis. If you have additional questions, please contact us through the Message Center.
If I am diagnosed with COVID-19 will TeamCare provide Short-Term Disability benefits?
Yes, if your plan includes Short-Term Disability coverage. Please log in and refer to your Plan Benefit Profile under the My Plan Documents tab on the My Documents page for more information.
You, your treating physician, and your employer must complete the Short-Term Disability Claim Form. If you are receiving compensation (paid leave) during this period from their employer, Short-Term Disability benefits will not be payable.
If I am off work due to COVID-19, would I still qualify for Short-Term Disability benefits from TeamCare?
Short-Term Disability benefits are intended to help you while you are off work due to an illness or injury. If you voluntarily stay home from work without being directed to do so by a physician, you will not qualify for Short-Term Disability. Short-Term Disability benefits are not payable if during the period of your illness, you are receiving compensation (paid leave) from your employer. Short-Term Disability benefits are also not payable if you are on a layoff, leave of absence, or are terminated.
If I have been told to self-quarantine, will TeamCare provide Short-Term Disability benefits?
TeamCare no longer provides Short-Term Disability benefits for COVID-19 quarantine periods.
Are Teladoc providers able to sign the Short-Term Disability Form?
Teladoc will provide a "sick note" advising that you cannot work. TeamCare will accept the “sick note” from Teladoc, along with the Short-Term Disability form completed by the affected member.
Can I submit an at home COVID-19 test as proof I can apply for Short-Term Disability benefits?
No, an at home COVID-19 test is not acceptable for Short-Term Disability claims. You must consult with a medical doctor to receive benefits related to Short-Term Disability.
I have exhausted my 26 weeks of Short-Term Disability, but I need to have another surgery for the same disability and was planning on returning to work for the required 30-day period to become eligible for a new claim. I’m now unable to return to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic – can I still become eligible for a new Short-Term Disability claim without working the 30-day period?
Our standard Short-Term Disability rules still apply; we are not making any exceptions at this time for members unable to work for COVID-19-related reasons. You must return to work for 30 consecutive days in order to start a new claim for the same disability.
How will COVID-19 related Short-Term Disability claims be paid?
If approved, the claim will be paid as an illness with a seven-day waiting period with benefits paid on the eighth day and a three-business day waiting period for TForce Freight with benefits paid on the fourth business day.
If I go to the emergency room, am diagnosed with COVID-19, and then sent home and directed to self-quarantine, can I apply for Short-Term Disability? What documentation should I submit?
TeamCare no longer provides Short-Term Disability benefits for COVID-19 quarantine periods.