Thank you essential workers
Monday, July 13, 2020

Over the past few months, we have learned that the essential employees in this country are not the pro athletes, movie stars, or music celebrities. The essential employees in this country are our very own TeamCare members who were on the front line keeping our country moving forward during this pandemic.
Being an essential worker during the COVID-19 pandemic meant potentially exposing themselves and their families to COVID-19 while performing their job duties. However,without our front line TeamCare members working through the pandemic, grocery stores would have been empty, packages would have remained undelivered, trash and sanitation services would have stopped, critical PPE equipment wouldn’t have been made, public safety would have been jeopardized,and front line health services would have been postponed.
The Board of Trustees, and the entire staff at TeamCare would like to thank all of the dedicated essential workers for keeping our country safe and functioning
during this time. We appreciate you, and we thank you for what you do!