Frequently Asked Questions
Need to define a word? Check the Glossary for a list of common healthcare terms.
General Eligibility
If I die before I retire, what benefits are available for my family?
If you die while still working, your beneficiaries may be entitled to Life Insurance and Accidental Death benefits. In addition, your family may be eligible for continued health coverage for up to 5 years. Survivors should contact us to discuss eligibility.
When am I eligible for Health Plan benefits after my return to work from layoff?
If your plan has weekly contributions and you’re out of work for less than 52 weeks, coverage is in effect the first week Health Plan contributions on your behalf are made to TeamCare. If you’re out of work more than 52 weeks, your coverage begins the Sunday after Health Plan contributions have been made to TeamCare on your behalf for eight weeks within a 52-week period. If your plan has hourly contributions, please contact us to determine when you are eligible for benefits after your return to work.
When does my coverage end?
Your coverage can end or become inactive for a variety of reasons, such as you no longer working or having no work history reported on your behalf. If your claim was denied stating you were not covered for this date of service, check with your employer first. If the issue isn’t resolved, please contact us.
Why don’t I have coverage the first eight weeks my employer pays into the Plan?
TeamCare rules require an initial eight-week contribution period (your establishing period) before active coverage begins.
Are my parents or boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée eligible for benefits?
No. Under TeamCare rules they do not meet the definition of an eligible dependent.
Am I eligible for benefits if I need treatment outside the United States?
Yes. You are eligible for services covered under TeamCare when treatment is received outside the United States. Treatment received must be considered Standard Medical Care, Services, or Supplies within the United States.
When does coverage end for my spouse?
Coverage for your spouse ends on the date your coverage ends, you get divorced, your spouse enters the military, or if you have a multi-tier plan and elect a coverage level that does not provide spouse coverage.
When does coverage end for my child?
Coverage for your child ends on the date when your coverage ends, when the child reaches age 26 if they are not mentally or permanently physically disabled, or if you have a multi-tier plan and elect a coverage level that does not provide child coverage.
What are the different tiers? Why doesn’t my employer offer all tiers?
Tier options allow you to decide which dependents in your family you want to cover. There are different tier options available and the tier options available to you are determined as part of the collective bargaining process. Your tier options are listed on your Enrollment Form. Please contact TeamCare via your Message Center or by calling 1-800-TEAMCARE to request a new enrollment form.
Where do I submit change in enrollment forms?
All Multi-Tier Enrollment Forms and any applicable documents should be submitted to TeamCare. Mail required documents to the address below, submit via your Message Center, or fax to 847-518-9768.
P.O. Box 5108
Des Plaines IL 60017-5108Enrollment changes can also be submitted online through New Hire Enrollment, Special Enrollment qualifying event, and once a year during Open Enrollment. Open Enrollment occurs every fall, allowing members to make changes to their coverage and add or remove dependents. More information on Open Enrollment can be found here.
I lost my Enrollment Form. How do I obtain another?
Contact CustomerCare via your Message Center to request a new Enrollment Form.
I just got married/had a baby. What do I do?
TeamCare's Special Enrollment process is available to complete online. To begin, log in and click the “Add or Remove Dependents” button at the top of your dashboard. You have 60 days from the date of the event to complete the Enrollment Form and return it to TeamCare.
My spouse lost their job and insurance. How can I have them added to my Plan?
TeamCare's Special Enrollment process is available to complete online. To begin, log in and click the “Add or Remove Dependents” button at the top of your dashboard. A Letter of Credible Coverage (or other proof of termination of coverage) must be attached from your spouse’s insurance company stating the last date of coverage. These documents must be submitted to TeamCare within 60 days of the involuntary loss of coverage.
Is there a time limit in notifying TeamCare of my Qualifying Event?
Yes, 60 days.
I missed the deadline to notify TeamCare about a Qualifying Event. What do I do?
The change to your tier can be made during the next Open Enrollment period. You have the right to appeal if enrollment is denied because the Plan determined that enrollment was not timely. To obtain an Appeals Form, please log in to your MyTeamCare account and download the form from the My Plan section of the Member Dashboard.
I have a co-pay for my TeamCare health insurance, but my employer is deducting the wrong amount from my paycheck. What do I do?
You should contact your employer to advise them that the incorrect amount is being deducted from your paycheck.
Can I decline coverage completely?
In general, you must maintain a minimum of Member only coverage.
Adult Child Eligibility
Is there any cost for adding an adult child to my coverage?
The answer depends on the coverage your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) provides. If your CBA provides only family coverage, Adult Child Coverage will be available at no cost to you. If your CBA allows you to choose among multiple tiers of coverage (e.g., member, member plus one dependent, etc.), you may be required to pay an additional amount to your employer to cover any new dependents as outlined in your CBA.
Do adult children have to be students to qualify for Adult Child Coverage?
If you are currently working, your adult children under the age of 26 will be covered by TeamCare regardless of their student status. If you or your spouse are eligible for either Retiree Health Plan RU or RV your child will be covered until age 19, and will be continued to be covered until they reach age 25 if they are a qualified student.
Can my married adult children receive coverage?
Yes. A married adult child under age 26 qualifies for the Adult Child Coverage, but the coverage does not extend to the adult child’s spouse or children. Your adult child can qualify for Adult Child Coverage even if he/she has other insurance available (whether elected or not) through their employment or their spouse’s employment.
My spouse and I both work and have family coverage; however, my spouse’s coverage is primary on all our children. Will TeamCare pay secondary on qualified adult children under age 26?
Yes. TeamCare will provide secondary coverage on qualified adult children under age 26.
Can my adult child have a job and remain covered through our family coverage?
Yes. Your adult child can qualify for Adult Child Coverage even if he/she has a job with other insurance available (whether elected or not) through their employment. TeamCare will provide secondary coverage on qualified adult children under age 26 who have their own employment-based coverage.
My adult child has a job, but the employer does not offer health insurance. Can my child be covered by TeamCare?
Yes. You may add the adult child to your plan as long as your child is not yet age 26.
Who can elect to make COBRA self-payments?
If you have a COBRA qualifying event, you or your qualified dependents can elect to make self-payments as long as you are covered under TeamCare on the day prior to the event which causes loss of coverage.
How can I elect to continue health coverage under COBRA?
To elect COBRA coverage, you must complete the election form sent by TeamCare. It must be returned to TeamCare within 60 calendar days from the date you received the election form. You then have 45 calendar days to make your first payment for continuation coverage. If you incurred a COBRA qualifying event and you did not receive a COBRA notice, contact TeamCare.
How long can I make COBRA self-payments?
For events such as termination of employment, reduction in hours, sick leave, and layoff, you will be eligible to make self-payments for up to 24 months. If you lose coverage for some other reason, different rules may apply to your situation — please see your COBRA notice for more details.
How much do COBRA self-payments cost?
The cost of COBRA self-payments varies and is determined by the specific plan you are covered under, but you will be able to continue with the same coverage if you make self-payments in an amount equal to the amount previously paid by your employer. You may also be offered other options. The COBRA premiums and options will be outlined in the COBRA election notice you receive from TeamCare.
When and how must my first COBRA self-payments be made?
Once elected, your first payment is due within 45 days of the postmarked date you mailed in your election notice. Failure to do so results in the loss of all COBRA rights under TeamCare. You are responsible for making sure that the amount of your first payment is correct. The amount of your first payment must be sufficient to pay for the coverage elected from the initial loss of coverage date through the current week if coverage is to be maintained into the future.
When and how must ongoing COBRA self-payments be made?
Under TeamCare, ongoing COBRA payments are due on the first day of the period for which coverage will be in effect and will not be accepted after a 30-day grace period. To make a payment using your checking or savings account, use the Make a Payment button located on the My Profile page. All payments should be sent to:
Self-Payments Department
Dept. 10291
Palatine, IL 60055-0291Make sure to include your Member ID and the coverage period you are self-paying on the check.
Once I start making self-payments will TeamCare bill me regularly for future coverage periods?
Only if previous bills are paid timely and in full. You are still responsible for making self-payments when due even if you do not receive a bill from TeamCare.
Can I make my COBRA payments in advance?
Yes. In fact, paying before the due date should ensure that no lapse in coverage or disruption to service occurs.
Does TeamCare accept third party payments for my COBRA continuation coverage?
Yes. A third party can pay the COBRA premiums on your behalf. However, you are still responsible for the COBRA premiums being paid when due and in full and your coverage will be terminated if the premium payments are not made.
What forms of payment are accepted?
You can use your checking or savings account to pay on our website. Personal check, cashier’s check, and money order are accepted by mail. We do not accept credit cards.
I was recently divorced, and my divorce papers say I have to maintain coverage for my ex-spouse. Will my ex-spouse remain under my coverage or do I need to make self-payments to continue coverage?
Your ex-spouse cannot stay under your coverage, but will be eligible to make COBRA self-payments due to the divorce. A court may order you to make the payments on your spouse's behalf. We will need a copy of the divorce decree and your former spouse’s address. Please contact TeamCare upon the finalization of your divorce for assistance.
I am making self-payments, but just got divorced. Can my ex–spouse make self-payments?
Yes. If you get divorced while making self-payments, your ex-spouse may be eligible to make COBRA self-payments under their own event. Please contact TeamCare upon the finalization of your divorce for assistance.
My child just turned 26 and his child coverage ended. Can he make self-payments?
Yes. Your child would be eligible to make COBRA self-payments once they turn 26. To ensure no gap in coverage, contact TeamCare for assistance.
I am covered under my spouse’s policy but still want to make self-payments with the Plan. How will you coordinate benefits?
If you have a COBRA event while also covered under your spouse’s insurance, we will coordinate benefits. We will remain your primary insurance for you and any dependents that we were primary for prior to the COBRA event. We would continue to be secondary for your spouse or any dependents we were secondary for prior to the COBRA event.
I am eligible for Medicare (Age 65) but have not started Medicare Benefits yet. Can I still make COBRA self-payments?
Yes, if you have not started Medicare benefits before you elect COBRA, you can make self-payments. Additionally, if you start Medicare benefits before you elect COBRA, then you can make self-payments. If you start Medicare benefits after you elect COBRA, then your COBRA coverage will end on the date Medicare coverage begins. COBRA ends but only for the person obtaining Medicare benefits so you can still make self-payments to cover qualified dependents.
I have Medicare. Can I still make COBRA self-payments?
It depends. If your Medicare benefits started before you elected COBRA, then you can make self-payments. If your Medicare benefits started after you elected COBRA, then your COBRA coverage will end on the date Medicare coverage begins. COBRA ends but only for the person obtaining Medicare benefits so you can still make self-payments to cover qualified dependents.
I had Medicare coverage when I elected COBRA. Which coverage is primary and which coverage is secondary?
Medicare coverage will be primary and COBRA coverage will be secondary unless you are entitled to Medicare due to End Stage Renal Disease. In this case, COBRA coverage will be primary during a 30-month coordination period and secondary thereafter. Please review the details about End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in the Summary Plan Description in the My Documents section of your Member Dashboard.
What happens if I become covered under another group health plan or Medicare while making COBRA self-payments?
Eligibility for COBRA self-payments end the date you become covered under another plan.
Am I responsible for notifying TeamCare if I become covered under another group health plan or Medicare after electing COBRA?
Yes, you must immediately contact TeamCare if you or your dependents become covered under another group health plan or Medicare.
Can I make self-payments to establish eligibility?
Yes. While this differs from COBRA self-payments, once contributions made by your employer have begun, you can make self-payments in certain circumstances to establish eligibility. Contact us for rates and assistance.
I had coverage for my whole family, but only want to make self-payments for myself. Is this an option?
Your COBRA election notice from TeamCare outlines the specific options available to you.
I only had coverage for myself before I started making self-payments. I was recently married. Can I add my spouse?
Yes. As long as you notify TeamCare within 60 days of your marriage and your new spouse meets TeamCare rules for eligibility.
Will my employer notify TeamCare if I have an employer COBRA qualifying event?
Yes. Your employer is responsible for notifying TeamCare of employer events. Employer events are termination of employment and reduction of work hours (i.e., sick leave, quit, discharge, and layoff). Employers report COBRA qualifying events to TeamCare automatically when they submit monthly work reports.
What happens to claims I incur after my COBRA event but before I elect to continue coverage and make self-payments?
During this period eligibility will not be updated and claims will be denied. However, when you elect COBRA and make the appropriate self-payments, your eligibility is updated retroactively and claims previously denied will automatically be reprocessed or can be resubmitted.