How to Register – Spouses & Adult Children
As a TeamCare dependent, the first step is to register and create an account. Your TeamCare account allows you to check the status of claims, view plan documents, find providers, and communicate directly with us.
Important Notice for Adult Children:
Pursuant to the Fund's Notice of Privacy Practices, "Unless you tell us otherwise, in writing, we will share information ... with a parent of an adult child if that information is relevant to their involvement in the health care of the individual or the payment of claims." If you would like to deny access by your parents to your health information, you must submit a written Request to Restrict Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information available here.
Start Registration

Start the registration process here, or visit the homepage and click on Register.
Account Creation
Review the Legal Conditions and Terms of Use.
To acknowledge and accept the terms, scroll to the end of the disclaimer and select “I Accept”.
Verify your identity by providing the following information in the correct formats:
• 9-digit Member ID
• Last 4 digits of your SSN
• Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
• ZIP/postal code
Complete the CAPTCHA test by selecting the corresponding images.
Create a unique Username with at least 8 characters; but no special characters (for example, @, #, $, !).
Enter your email address.
Re-type your email address to confirm.
Create a unique Password with at least 8 characters, including both upper and lower case letters, and at least 1 number.
Re-type your Password to confirm.
Complete the CAPTCHA test by selecting the corresponding images.
TeamCare will send you an email to verify your email address.
Click on the “Verify your email address” link.
Complete Registration
After you click on the link, the registration process is complete.
Sign in to your TeamCare account using your newly created Username and Password.